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A person that watches two or more people having sex from a corner.

Your such a cucc i swear

by The cuccer March 24, 2021

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Italian diminutive of β€œcucciolo” (puppy) used to describe something sweet.
You can use it for people, stuff or behavior.

β€œOh cucc, I love you so much”, β€œhey cucc how are you?”, β€œthis place is so cucc!”

by Chesucccucc May 29, 2019

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A 13-15 year old boy (usually 14) or a 14-16 year old girl (usually 15) who dates men 2 or more years older than them.

Kid1: Ryan said he was "taken" or some shit.
Kid2: He's a cucce.
Kid1: That explains it.

by Figote March 9, 2018

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succ no cucc

to succ cuccs cuck and then fucc yee cucc and succ sooooo hard he cuccc all over yee.

man , can you believe this place they succ no cucc

by Frost Should Succ Not Fucc March 10, 2018

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zucc cucc

When a romantic interest finds out something you did not want them to know via Facebook. Thus cuccing you and ruining the chances of having a relationship.

Gerald: Hey man, don't post that on Facebook.
Jeff: Why?
Gerald: What if your girl sees it and you suffer the wrath of the zucc cucc.
Jeff: Yeah, that would be bad. Thanks man!

by NotKurtz October 27, 2018

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