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1. The fuckability or condition of a persons vagina; the relative disposition or arrangement of the parts or elements of muscular tube that runs from the vulva — which refers to the external female genitalia, including the labia and clitoris — to the cervix and shit.

2. External form of poone, as resulting from conditioning, treatments, appliques, etc.; conformation of dry, wet, shaggy, pimply, diseased, edible, inedible, so on and so forth.

3. documentation in support of the various conditions of the the external female genitalia in support of describing the state of the apparatus generally, and specifically how to maintain a desired environment.

Note: unrelated but of interest, the #juicy poone, is anathema to proper cuntfiguration.

Excerpted from the "Cunnilation Cuntfiguration Cookbook: "

"Surely everybody has tried cunnillation or attempted to cunnillate a person who comes out dry and flat. It's disappointing. Moisten those cakes, creases, and folds with simple syrup. Moisten those with maple syrup.

Moisten those cakes with spiced rum butter. Motherfuckin' molasses and shit works too., Get that mo fo wet, wid yo tried and true cuntfiguration, bitch.

Sure we've all heard the concern that depending on the type of cake, pooter pie, vulva, or vagina, using simple syrup can result in an overly moist or dense experience. If you apply the proper cuntfiguration before hand you will be cunnilating like a mother fucking machine all night long. The best way to prevent a soppingly moist, or an arid, barren or unproductive poone, is to only use syrup in moderation and to wait until the cunt has cooled completely before using the your syrup. Once you see how this can transform your vaginas, we know you'll be using this little cuntfiguration trick again and again."

by klawrawkz April 12, 2019