Someone who is a weapon with, and/or murders it with words.
Speaks, or writes and expresses themselves articulately.
Often sends msgs to people that are received in so many good ways, that it can/may cause receiver to feel so overwhelmed with positive emotions, which can cause loss of low key emotional control.
Resulting tears of heartfelt joy
A cursaverbalist will out of the blue send a msg like re. I just want you to know, how truly special, beautiful, genuine and real you are, as a person and to everyone around you.
When you enter a room it lights up.
When you give someone your time, you give it all. And that’s such a unique ability that very few truly have.
Genuinely real, with no ego or seeking any praise or admiration for giving the gift of being a cursaverbalist to others.
Thank you for your glow that infects our own brightness and how we shine, you’re such a cursaverbalist. Articulates and defines a perfect potion of words i.e a Cursaverbalist
Such stunning words, can only be expressed from a Cursaverbalist