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She's the most beautiful woman you'all ever meet. Her personality is second to none. Her eyes, big and brown, sparkle like the morning on rise on the sea. When she smiles, mountains move just to see it. Her laugh radiates the right amount of perfection and you can't help but love the hell out of it. Her face looks like it was created by the gods, and molded to pure perfection, everything fits and nothing is imperfect. Her body is that of no others, firm, curvy and full of life. This woman has the potential to change lives, I should know, she's changed mine in so many ways, and I'm very lucky that I have her. You will not be able to find anyone like her, because she's one in 8 billion, and she's all mine,

Guy- Hey, this is my cutiepatootiepie, isn't she just perfect?
Guy 2- wow, just look at her! She IS a real cutiepatootiepie.

by The most perfect woman December 18, 2016