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dave dave

a big fat man who mostly gay but can be redeemed mostly daves are weirdos and like to have 5 to 6 men at a time daves are strange creatures and should be locked in a cage because he’s that gay gayness radiates off of dave he is the gayest gay man to ever be gay and he will always be gay if u meet a dave RUN he will try and sex u

u see that man over there,yeah what about him,OH SHOT ITS A GAY DAVE DAVE RUN

by heybro55 May 10, 2020

11πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Dave Dave

Usually a nick name for the word davis or david
when someone is called davers
they are tan, with dark hair and brown eyes
it means they are an amazingly cool person, who i extremely likeable, and is usually a great boyfriend

"Hey! did you see that kid today?"
"yeah! he was so cool! totally a dave dave!"

by hannerski coolwhips April 26, 2009

7πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

dave is dave and dave


oh hi dave is dave and dave

by aflie385 January 11, 2023

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Big Dave From Big Dave's Hardware Store

Big Dave, Owner of Big Dave's Hardware Store. The greatest hardware store of all time. The only hardware store that also sells Wii Us. Big Dave is an absolute lad and you should give him 20 dollars.

A: Who's that?
B: It's Big Dave From Big Dave's Hardware Store

by TheHardwareStoreEnthusiast September 28, 2023