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Daytona Beach

A town composed of 64,000 people on the northeastern coast of Florida.

If you come here, expect to find: high crime rates, white trashy people on motorcycles, and prostitutes on every corner. Not to mention the fact that there's nothing to do at all. Don't forget to check out some of the lamest clubs in the state. If you think Spring Break when you think of Daytona, you're wrong. That was in the 90's. Now it's Miami, Cancun, Bahamas, etc. Oh and don't be here during Biketober Fest, Bike Week, or the Daytona 500.. unless you like to be around thousands of hicks that can barely speak the English language.

All of that aside, the weather is pretty sweet, and the waves are nice. But there's not much else to say about shitty ol' Daytona.

Dude 1: Yooo I'm going to Daytona Beach next weekend!
Dude 2: That sucks.

by Jack Graves 5285 November 8, 2009

274πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

Daytona Beach

A city that tries too hard to be important again like a celebrity who can't understand that they're not famous anymore. Trying to reverse the aging process, the city has opted for botox in the form of One Daytona BUT YOUR WRINKLES STILL SHOW

Person 1: Bruh you can find cracks in the buildings, crack in the streets and crackheads on the corner.

Person 2: Duuuuuuude you just be in Daytona Beach!

by Corned Beef and Cabbage March 15, 2019

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Daytona Beach

City in North/Central Florida on the Atlantic coast. Has a population of about 65,000. Nicknamed "The World's Most Famous Beach". It is mostly famous because of NASCAR's annual Daytona 500 race, and as the location of the annual Bike Week festival, and serves as a popular spring break destination.

I got tickets to the Daytona 500 this year!

by Mike March 10, 2005

122πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Daytona Beach

A has-been town that went from hosting millionaire tycoons vacationing in the early 1900’s to hosting MTV and broke college students in the 1980’s to now being nothing more then a sleepy, drug riddled, high crime beach town that’s home to a well known race track and two overpriced half rate colleges. Just five minutes in the city limits will have you running for the exits wanting to never return and never wanting to remember you were ever here. Locals frequently call the area β€œDIRTona”. A nickname fits the area perfectly.

I must've screwed up majorly to end up in Daytona Beach.

by JustSomeAvgGuy May 4, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Daytona Beach

The largest hub for artists, musicians and free thinkers in the United States. The growing population sees daily influx from Brooklyn, San Fransisco, Austin, Portland, UK and Europe. The rapid artistic growth in the area has been attributed to the luring aspects of unparalleled romance provided by the charismatic homeless and sandy white beaches. With endless untapped content for the artists, Daytona is known as the most entertaining city for the young and creative.

Person 1: "Daytona Beach is the new Portland."

Person 2: "Man, I've been hearing everyone say that."

by AwesomeRadTron March 23, 2010

51πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž

daytona beach

A city in which people get psyched to go to if they have to move there, but after they get aquainted, they realize the city is the epitome of lame ass shit hole town with assholes, crackheads and hookers waiting on every street.

"Yeah man I'm movin' to DAYTONA!!"
"I'm sorry."

"What do you want to do tonight?"
-10 minutes later-
"I dunno, it's Daytona, there is NOTHING to do.."

by Ley. June 24, 2005

410πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

Daytona Beach Shores

Opposite of Daytona Beach. A classy, well to do, upscale section of Volusia County not to be confused with tourist trap Daytona Beach and it's local scum. Daytona Beach Shores is home to many retirees and very wealthy families. Many of the residents in the shores don't travel north into Daytona Beach. Instead, they choose to stay in their comfort zones of Ponce Inlet , Port Orange and the Shores where the houses and restaurants are expensive.

"My boyfriend lives in Daytona Beach shores. Not just Daytona!" Really!? does he have a bother?!

"Let's go to Daytona for Christmas!" Okay, but can we at least get a hotel in the shores with the rich people?

by Floridalingo December 28, 2011

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž