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A common miss-spelling of the word Definitely

"We so deffinately have to hang out!!!1!"

by Tsiana August 5, 2008

29👍 4👎


to be deffin, you are worryed and upset over something, for example, hes deffin about his fone bill

for example, hes deffin about his fone bill
hes gota b deffin that he got punched

by matty jones nd wot October 15, 2006

10👍 4👎


To white out, to get paranoid whilst stoned

He's deffin...

by nick July 18, 2003

8👍 3👎


Not wanting to do something, not liking the idea of something, or having a bad experience.

Opposite of buzzin

More commonly used between drug users

I'd deff if I broke my leg.
He's deffed us by not coming out, deffer.
I'm deffin over having too much to drink, I feel sick.

by UB40 December 28, 2006

4👍 2👎