Source Code


Dert is like dirt but cooler and red. When it rain dert evaporates.

Person1: Hay it's dert

Person 2: What's so good about dirt
1:not dirt dert
2:what's that

1:look it up on the urban dictionary

by That creepy nabour August 28, 2021


1. replacement for words, showing no intrest.
2. over-exaggerating un-clean

1- Yo what up Joe? *silence* derrrt?,
2- You were looking pretty derty today bro!

by Jwords April 27, 2008

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A noun, sometimes spelled dirt-dirt, referring to a Backwoods, Hillbilly, Hick, Hayseed, or a Redneck. The word is derived from the way they sound when they talk "Dirdie-dirt-dirt-dirt". It is often pronounced in the accent of a Redneck.

"Man, that guy's a dert-dert" "He was going on about his pickup truck like a real dert-dert"

by Meme-squire December 30, 2019

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Dert dert

Word used to express stupidity. Best used in a Valley girl voice. Can also be used as just Dert.

Girl 1: Oh shit! I spilled my coke!

Girl 2: Ha! Dert dert.

by Jessica Bettina September 4, 2006

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The town of SouDERTon, Pennsylvania, located in beautiful Montgomery County, in the suburbs of Philadelphia.

A yo, I'm reppin' DERT for a lil' while.

by Heavy Heavener November 21, 2005

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Ska dert

To leave quickly.

โ€œIโ€™m runing late again, I have to ska dertโ€

by Skadertter84 May 24, 2018

Dert dert

Slang word for retard or retarded

Ms. Singleton called her second grade students dert derts.

Now she is a real dert dert for that one because she lost her job.

by Flabbergabber May 18, 2023