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A dipshit misspelling of diarrhea.

Over Text Message-
Hank: Yo, aren't you coming to the party?
Desmond: No, I've got a mad case of diarea.
Hank: Dumbass, it's diarrhea.

by Definitions Ltd. July 10, 2017

14👍 8👎

explosive diarea

Eating food that upsets the stomach and causes projectile liquid shit out of the anus

Dude i just had the narliest explosive diarea!!

by tiweryopo February 12, 2008

14👍 14👎

implosive diarea'

Diarea that exits the colon so fast that it creates a vaccuum in the lower intestion reasulting in a kinda inverse fart that sometimes draws shit back into the colon.

One side effect of the burger king maybe but is not limited to Implosive diarea'

by roachburger July 14, 2009

7👍 11👎

face diarea

The inability to control one's facial expressions when listening to someone else. Most often used to describe someone's face showing disgust or bewilderment when listening to someone saying something unintelligent.

When listening to their boss Kevin moronically attempt to explain the work, Chris turned to Lindsey and said "you have major face diarea ; you look exactly like how I feel..."

by Arc1 May 15, 2018

1👍 2👎

diarea speaking

when your in class or anywhere and you cant keep your mouth shut

you have diarea speaking

by Ashley Boehley February 25, 2008

2👍 8👎