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the discord equivalent of a redditor, they are toxic, introverted able bodied supremists at heart who curse like sailors and harass users who aren't like-minded, overusing ableist slurs such as "retard" and "sped" and will use them against anyone who's even a little different than them, generally, they embody the wikipedia definition of Oz from fanboy and chumchum (looked at as geniuses by their peers, but are really just nerdy know-it-alls who live in their parents' basements) because they'll never get girlfriends and will end up homeless because no employer would want to hire someone who disparages others for fun

TL/DR discordors are the discord equivilant of redditors and are users of the chat service in the most stereotypical form

discordor: KYS sped!!!
constructive user: no u
discordor: fuck off retard!!!!!!!

by Mr. Mage 750 April 9, 2021