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1. A dad who likes coffee and constantly complains that he has too many kids.
2. Tired

1. Domonkos got his McDonald's coffee and drove his 3 kids to school.
2. I stayed up way too late last night and I am so very domonkos.

by tacodog12 June 8, 2017

10👍 6👎


This guy is very strange... He never feels fear and never knows when to stop. He can be the best party man if he is with the right group. Domonkos is never showing what is inside and when it comes to the big reval everybody is shocked. He is always acting differently and he is unpredictable.
Try to keep an eye on him.

Guy1: Hey, whats up Domi?

Domonkos: My had hurts really bad since last night...

Guy1: Do you even remember anything?

by Csikiskrillhead1998 November 22, 2021


A wild guy who just wants some peace. You will never know what he dose.

Guy1:Oh my god im so hung over.

Guy2:You really pulled a Domonkos

by Dodomango January 26, 2023