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(v) verb. Getting caught masturbating in your hotel room in vegas while your buddy is passed out on the other bed

"Last night I couldnt sleep and my roomie was passed out on the other couch, so I totally Domres him and finally crashed out..."

by victimish March 6, 2010

5👍 2👎


A member of the opposite sex of whcih you are pursuing for either sexual purposes or relationships.

"Hey, how's the situation with your DomR?"
"It's alright man, but i don't think shes interested in me yet"

by Clank Williams May 13, 2009

3👍 2👎


(n.) A word used to refer to someone with a less-dominant personality, whether it be in a sexual or a non-sexual sense. It first emerged from the writing community on Instagram via a GC, and has since been a popular term. Domr is mainly used to irritate someone in a friendly manner.

*insert text here*
"How does that even-"

by thaliayeet July 11, 2021