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Similar to nuclear only with poop.

A dooklear explosion

Zach is going to need a colostomy bag if he doesnt get his colonic dooklear melt down under control.

by Crazy Ivan May 17, 2005

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Dooklear Warfare

The act of waging war on the toilet with your ass.

Man... that Mexican food did a number on my guts. I'm gonna engage in some dooklear warfare.

by irvingjohn April 2, 2011

dooklear holocaust

Sweaty hands, heavy breathing, and a ruptured colon. In short:The aftermath of a severe bowel movement. Environmental damage is very possible and more than likely. Up to and including: Flooding, Wall Splatter, and the dreaded "Olor a muerte" or Smell of Death

Stacy described the aftermath of the Dooklear Holocaust that claimed the 5th floor bathroom, "There were large clumps of fecal matter from ceiling to floor. Olor a Muerte had definitely set in."

by Jadeveon Rico Alouicious January 27, 2014

3👍 1👎

Dooklear Bomb

A bowel movement of massive proportions, usually requiring more than one flush.

I clogged up the toilet downstairs because of a dooklear bomb I dropped after eating that burrito.

by JMP26 February 24, 2010

Dooklear bomb

The motherload of all shits. You are about to drop Fat man on Hiroshima (the toilet).

*Finishes eating a massive burrito
"Fucking Christ man I'm about to drop a Dooklear bomb"

by jpstp January 29, 2019