Source Code


1. Disk Operating System: a disk-based operating system, usually referring to MS-DOS. Originally developed by Microsoft for IBM, MS-DOS was once the standard operating system for IBM-compatible personal computers.

2. Denial of Service: a type of attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic.

3. Department of State: a federal or state governmental department handling issues central to the country or each of the individual States, such as travel, tourism, elections, charters and licensing, historic records, and overall public security.

4. Department of Safety: a department used by some U.S. states and cities which usually handles driver and vehicle, police, enforcement, fire, corrections, and crime statistics services for the public.

5. Department of Statistics: a department used by some countries for handling statistical reports vital to their economies and governments.

1. DOS required a lot of typing.
2. DOS attacks can cost companies millions of dollars in lost revenue.
3. If you're interesting in become a licensed lawyer, visit the DOS.
4. In some states, the DOS handles driver's licenses instead of the DMV.
5. The DOS just released new statistics on the gross national product.

by Steven May 27, 2004

454πŸ‘ 225πŸ‘Ž


Means:Dead on sight

Did you see Sean new shoes?

Yes I did lol...I'm DOS!

by LadyLioness March 18, 2017

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


DOS is an Ancient name handed down to young men who possessed the mind of a scholar and the skills of a warrior.

It was the name of a god, handed down to a man who embodied all the attributes considered god like. Strength. Charisma. Magnificence.

As a man, DOS roamed the earth doing good deeds, pleasuring women, slaying demons and beasts, teaching those who wanted to learn and allowing the people to bask in his majesty.

In the present day, very few men are afforded the honour of bearing such a name. When such a man is found worthy, it is betrothed upon him with grand festivity as this man’s entire life has seen him proving himself day after day in the most glorious of ways.

DOS must be spelt in capitals, as each letter is as important as the one that preceeded it

He spoke to them in the way you would expect a DOS to.

His performance was so good i think he is a DOS.

He used his body in a DOS-like way.

by DOS wannabe July 3, 2009

83πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


Short hand for Decendents Of (American) Slaves. Generally a way for some American blacks to differentiate themselves from black immigrants to the United States. One could be all or part DOS.

Olu: Where you from?
Terrance: I'm from Detroit bro
Olu: No, I mean like where your family from?
Terrance: Detroit bro. Extended family from the south, I'm DOS.

by Devyn Cheeseburger September 6, 2018

24πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Doing other shit.

I am DOS right now and can't work on that.

by 2BoysMamaw October 28, 2015

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An early OS (operating system), that was very simple. Programs were booted after the C:\ command line. DOS was later borrowed by Microsoft, which wouldn't exist anymore if it weren't for DOS. DOS was used for classic games, such as Doom, Wolfenstein, and Quake. DOS remains in existance and is used for gaming, without having to deal with Windows errors. A new version of DOS is hard to find, but with the most current and currently most popular version being FreeDOS, DOS users are still welcome to play their old games.

DOS pretty much died out after Windows "borrowed" it.

by Lynx_User58 July 6, 2005

59πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


The abbreviation for Descendants Of Slaves, an ethnic group in the Continental Americas made up of the descendants of the survivors of the Slave Trade genocide.

The culture of this ethnic group is a unique combination of surviving African customs mixed together with the customs of their enslavers, which varies from region to region depending upon the ethnic makeup of the areas from which and to which the slave traders traveled to buy and sell human beings.

Ethnicity (like DOS, Irish, or Italian) is a real anthropological (the scientific study of people) term, unlike "race".

DOS (descendants of slaves) deserve reparations from the government because the government allowed their ancestors to be enslaved.

Toni's mom is Italian, and his dad is DOS, which means Tony has mixed-ethnicity.

The idea of "race" is based in Degeneration Theory, which conceitedly assumes that European ethnic groups like the Norse and the Romans are inherently superior to African ethnic groups like the DOS and the Arabs.

by SereneNecrosis October 7, 2023