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Perfection. The type of girl anyone would be lucky to have. Beautiful, intelligent, sweet, and loyal. She has a great sense of humor and always manages to brighten up your day. The best kind of girl and friend one could ever ask for.

Guy #1: I know this girl and she's the definition of perfection
Guy #2: She must be a drea

by Hashim/Des September 6, 2017

135👍 15👎


The type of girl you can't help but fall for. Her smile, her eyes, her voice, the way she laughs. There is nothing negative about Andrea, well in this case, Drea. She's a keeper.

Yo, my girl Drea is the only girl for me.

by JP Deuce November 13, 2015

195👍 24👎


She is caring and fights for who she loves,
She will always check up on you,she will give you attitude if you test her

That’s drea

She is amazing

by KiDdO.Princess January 9, 2019

52👍 5👎


Stunningly beautiful, fun, happy and creative. She is quiet but unbeliveably smart and always gets what she wants! She is loyal and loving but tough as nails. She has a great body and always steals the attention when she walks onto a room. Sorry Ladies.

Drea De Matteo

by Lucy bear February 13, 2010

423👍 136👎


Drea sounds like a beautiful, powerful name, and they are, but they’re also memelords and very creative, talented people. They might noY ask for much, but never talk them down because they’re incredible! They really do care, even if they don’t always show it. Their humor is sometimes a defense mechanism made to cope with anxiety or depression, but they’re very strong and talented! Drea’s are amazing people, who are great to be acquaintances and friends with. Just don’t forget, they need lots of love too! Even if they dont show it!

“Dude, did you see that cool meme Drea sent?”
“Yeah, and Drea drew it herself!”

by damn._.daniel July 24, 2020

1👍 1👎


The type of girl that is just really cool, full of sass and horrible puns. Loves 666 and a shot of whiskey. Stunningly beautiful and good at dancing. Incredibly intelligent, spouts out random cool facts when drunk as well as gets emotional over dog pictures. Incredibly sweet and has a big heart.

Drea is coolest fucking person out there, my dudes.

by LuckyLykos May 30, 2018

30👍 13👎


Real name andrea, she ain't scared to run up but at the same time,

she's a shy and super emotional person and gets attached very easily she pushes you away at first until she get's use to you, then she'll give you a vibe you can't find in no one else and can't get from someone else 😌

Drea is the best friend I ever had, she a kool ass jit

by Supawetsoakysoak😝 April 15, 2020

9👍 4👎