Drunk and stumbling at the same time; a drunken stumbler.
"Oh the other night I drumbled home."
"Did you see that guy drumbling home last night"
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Describes the sensation one feels when being woken up from a dream after dreaming about falling/tumbling.
I was having a funny dream there and now you have drumbled me.
33👍 2👎
I. A drunken mumble, usually the cue for someone to be put to bed.
II. A drunken mumble, usually the cue for one to offer the drumbler more drinks.
I. "isa sandwish shop on Arapahoe, ... y'gotta turn left...."
"Dude, your girl is drumbling, you better put her to bed before she pukes."
II. "I'm not drunk! i can still satand, shee? igh fives!"
"That's a drumble! Ya want another drink?"
"Yeah!" (As she topples over)