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Drunk with ski

person 1: ayo bro you ok?
Person 2:I was drunkSKI

by Acheeto the shitass cat thing August 8, 2021


(V): the seemingly foolish act of being drunk and underage. When one is under 21, this act is found to be "cuteskies".

Mary-Kate: I was so drunkskies at Throwed last night I danced with a midget
Ashley: I know, I almost pukeskies

by Mary-Kate & Ashley-Lauren July 18, 2011

5👍 2👎


when you get the munchies when your drunk

"yo man, i got the drunkskiesssss"

by katieeee zooocowskii December 29, 2010


In a state of drunkenness

When Elaine drank the entire pitcher of sangria she was drunkskies.

by Black Mamba Strikes Again November 28, 2010