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duckninja jr.

Are aspiring duckninja's who have been taken under the wing of a jedi duckninja. Depending on the duckninja in training skill set the period until full blown duckninja status can vary from years to centuries. The ancient duckninja craft has been passed down for thousands of years. Many different decoy sets, calling styles, and or shooting ablities have to be mastered before said trainee can dawn the coveted ninja duck call. All duck ninjas can be identified by their call. One call shall be worn by a true old school taught duckninja. Olt-cutdown 1930-1940 model hand cut by a oltsmith with just the right angle. No other calls can be accepetd!

All posser duckninja's are to be killed on site!

The quickest I have seen someone go from duckninja jr. to a full blown duckninja was one month. She had ninja skills like no other. She goes by SASHA!

by duckninja6 April 20, 2010