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eat fish

to have sexual intercourse wiv sum1

i ate fish last nite

by jenna December 7, 2004

13👍 36👎

eat the fish


She asked him to eat the fish, and he did so, giving her an orgasm.

by Ricky Penn December 12, 2013

8👍 5👎

eating the fish

The act of providing oral pleasure to a woman. See: Cunnilingus, licking the carpet, washing the beaver, playing the pussy flute, kissing the clam.

Man: I can't believe your girlfriend made us such a killer lunch.

Boyfriend: I think it was to make up for the fact that I ate the fish last night, even though it was seriously rancid.

Man:*thinks about eating the fish* *quiet empathetic gag*

by Justdontask1 June 19, 2014

11👍 10👎

Big fish eating

Ruining the "food chain" by eating all the big animals to ruin the food cycle.

I just did some big fish eating all over those bullys, now the nerd will flourish!

by Seenus September 2, 2003

2👍 7👎

Large Mysterious Fish eats a Duck

A Youtube video that shows a lake with ducks swimming in it, and then suddenly a skeleton jumps up in front of the camera with the same scream as K-fee and scares the viewer.

Me and my friend watched Large Mysterious Fish eats a Duck and now we can't sleep.

by zoombcake March 27, 2021

130👍 12👎