An italian last name but a very unpopular last name.
Errante also means to wander.
His last name is errante? hmm i have never heard that one before.
He was very bored so he decided to errante around the neighborhood.
11š 9š
When something is stupid as shit and goes away from the intended course.
This college algebra web work is ERRANT as fuck!
These marijuana laws fuck everyone in the ass! They're so errant it is ridiculous, the police are just trying to throw everyone in jail!
13š 9š
Your momma's or daddy's sister
It was ERRANT that brought the bread pudding to the reunion !!!
1š 2š
If his name is Jake he's got the cake
woah look at his cake
That's Jake Errante
1š 1š
when you Google cunt memes to own your best pal and the results are shocking
Clifton was chatting via Hangouts to Paul, his best pal, and they were razzing each other as per usual. Clifton needed fresh, cutting material so he popped over to Google for cunt memes. instead of funny gifs and pics the results returned lots of Errant Beavers and females in repose.
3š 2š
When your husband gives you a permit to travel abroad and you use some type of illegal distribution of contraband across most of the common broadways?
Tom; yƩ meate I gave Vicky a fat travel errant
Redg: swr she only got a place out last night?!