A young girl, who did everything what others said to her to do, so she could be their friend. But as the young girl became older, she knew that she should change. She now uses her money to showoff and attract friends(fake friends). She really is an huge attention seeker. She would do the most worst possible things to get attention from anyone. She would loudly laugh even at the silliest thing to get attention. She would hang around with different playboys every single day to get attention. She would make silly jokes that are not even funny and scream them loudly to get attention. She would drink and smoke to get attention. She would tell everyone that she had this number of lot of boyfriends to get attention. She would tell other people's details to several other people to get attention.
Even though she does these crazy stuff to get attention she was never enough of attention because nobody gave the attention that she needed. The type of attention that she needed was pure love attention. She searched for it but she never found it. The only thing that she needed was pure love and care from someone.
Moreover, she is a kind hearted child, who herself covered up with dirt to become a cold hearted person to get rid of her bad memories/incidents/past.
"I wish that I could give ethmini a warm hug."
"I really miss the little young ethmini."
"I hope that ethmini realises that she still have the time to change herself and be good."
"Ethmini also deserves love and happiness even though she hurt me."