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exit only

A term used to describe the asshole, usually used by the same girls who would have you believe that girls don't poop.

No, don't put it there. That's exit only.

by acl-941 May 27, 2010

40👍 13👎

exit only

a way to explain that you are one and only, heterosexual.

Todd: So, you doing anything tonight?
Jack: Hey, man, sorry, but see this? -points at butt- Exit only.

by Citronic October 21, 2007

30👍 15👎

Exit Only

Term used to decribe ur corn-hole.

Nah biotch! That's EXIT ONLY!!!!

Get away from me dude, EXIT ONLY!! EXIT ONLY!!!!!!!!!!

by Cornflake October 4, 2004

56👍 35👎