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to praise; laud; Also a Christian Death Metal band

Extol extols the name of God so morosely.

by Tommy August 23, 2003

45👍 15👎


A technical death-thrash-black metal band from Norway that kicks major ass!! Note: they are also christians with solid beliefs that don't go around hitting people with Bibles

Extol's new album Blueprint is due Feb 21st

by winter_hanami January 12, 2005

26👍 15👎


EDM producer notorious for their Twitter shitposting and love for boobs

Person 1: “Did you see what Extolant tweeted today?”
Person 2: “Oh god, what did they say this time?”

by Extolant August 23, 2022

Extol 62:1

Another name for the furry site E621.
Used in public to keep people from knowing you are a furry.

I am an avid reader of Extol 62:1

by God_Of_Femboys February 24, 2021