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e~whores are women who go online all the time to cyber with both sexes just cos there horny bitches. they often lie about their appearance in order to get people off.

"hey, whatcha look like babes"
"oh, im blonde, tanned, blue eyes, big boobs, long legs"

but in actual fact she is brunette, white as anything, sewerage green eyes, flat as a tac with stumpy legs.

thus e~whore

by Jade k July 9, 2006

69πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Someone who prostitutes their presence on the internet...either for attention, money, or for malicious intent.

You're in your regular internet chat room of choice. Someone that hardly anyone knows joins and starts talking to anyone and everyone as if they're just as cool as the regular people in the chat room.


People who join chat rooms and ask people to visit their website...also can be termed a spammer

by duggera June 11, 2005

73πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


A mon or woman that has many random relationships with people online and over emails, but has never actually met these people in real life. In other words....pathetic

Oh shes an e-whore, shes always talking to some random guy she met over the internet.

by Kerr June 26, 2005

87πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A girl that dates multiple guys online and uses them to buy her things.

Yo John i like this girl online but I think she’s a e-whore

by Gayboiis666 March 31, 2019

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A a girl or boy (usual a girl and usually in the early to mid teens) who gets online exclusively to have sexual relations with just about anyone they can. Often they will do this through "Role-Playing" in which they will try to place their 'original' or chosen characters in 'sexual relationships' with their favorite- or characters they find 'sexy' in an already existing series, movie, comic, book ect. They sometimes do this because they are a fan of several particular 'parings' of characters from these series. When they're not being (a sexier version of) themselves- or their own slutty original character they'll 'become' one of the parties of a paring they like and whore that party out to every second party they can find who is willing to cyber with them. In reality these people are fat, ugly and extremely lonely (usually a thick, nasty combination of all three) and because of years of not getting any cock or pussy (or simply knowing they'll never get any), they turn to the internet where they can hide their fuck-ugly selves behind the guise of a cute anime boy / girl and do everything a typical whore irl (which they probably hate and look down on) would do.

e-whore: "Hi there. *She blushes*"

You: "Hey. :)"

e-whore: "How are you? *She looks at your body, still blushing*"

You: "I'm good, how are you?"

e-whore: "*She sighs* I'm just really lonely...."

You: "Aw, thats no good."

e-whore: "*She touches your body."

Scenario one:

You: "Fuck off slut. lol" Often the reaction of one experienced with e-whores.

e-whore: "You're mean!!! I'm not a slut!!! *rages and or blocks you while moving on to continue or start sucking off / fucking several other people she has on private chat.*

Scenario two:

You: "...." Usually the reaction of someone who is wondering what the hell is going on or perhaps enjoy the idea of an easy e-fuck.

e-whore: *She begins to take off her clothes* You don't need to be told what comes next. The e-whore will repeat these steps until her daddy/mommy tells her its time to get off the computer; after which they will probably make a long winded post telling the internet how much their parents and their life sucks and usually a whole lot of other emo shit before going offline for a few hours and then the cycle starts all over again once back online.

by Defineyou2 January 28, 2011

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Someone who flirts and acts sexually suggestive to a large number of women all at the same time over the Internet using things such as MySpace and MSN to charm the ladies to fall for him and have them fighting over him. They must be only doing this online to make them an official "E-Whore"

Ryan - "When I go online I get like 5 chicks talking to me as soon as I log in..."

Gunther - "That's because you're such an E-Whore"

by Palathor October 6, 2006

15πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


Electronic prostitution in exchange for gear and items in a game. The e-whore shouldn’t ever be confused with it’s an entrepreneur counterpart in real life seeing as in reality prostitutes actually get something of value out of it. But with the risk of STIs.

How do they β€œsell” their bodies without having anyone physically touch them? Webcam.

They,turn on a webcam and remove clothing, give false satisfaction to someone else without any emotional attachment from either end. So there you have it folks a prime definition of an e-whore ^^

by AtrociousAntics August 15, 2010

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž