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I heard some girlfriends of mine using this word in a drunken stupor referring to the female genital area especially the inside parts.It may have a Lebanese/Polish origin.Please note gentlemen, this is not a sexy word and under no circumstances should it be used during intercourse.

Sarah got angry and kicked Lisa in the fa-chotch.

My fa-chotch is itchy.

by Breeno January 16, 2005

93👍 11👎


A vulgar term that vulgar, slutty cunts use to insult each other.

She let Mario stick his whole fist up her fa-chotch!

by Open Source Fanboy February 16, 2005

15👍 8👎


Slang for "Smoking Princess".

Use the term to compliment any female cigarette smoker.

"Hey fa-chotch! I gotta cannoli for yooz."

by Pig February 19, 2005

8👍 15👎