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1. Fucked-up half-cocked
2. Not easily understood

I thought everything was fine before we got arrested; in retrospect, the plan was facocked to begin with.

The whole Iraq situation is facocked.

by D Mack August 9, 2005

45👍 19👎


(fa-cock-ta) Adj. 1.In a describing sense, to be deboed, nasty, retarded, broken,out of place or to sum it all up totally fucked up.

After Jon was done playing with his fake vagina he looked at it and saw how facocked it was, and with a scareful fit of glee he tossed it up into the air which there it stuck to the ceiling until he found a swiffer duster long enough to knock it down.

by CollinL September 8, 2006

11👍 16👎


Messed up

That Christmas tree is facocked

by Goodnitegracie November 25, 2020



your facocked!

by James Halke September 26, 2011

3👍 4👎


Are you Fucking Kidding me?

Annoynomous: Stuy died!
Cilla: Are you facocking me?
Annoynomous: Yeah..Uptard!

by Cilla & Stuy December 2, 2004

1👍 7👎