Source Code

fan down

When a person is super hot they need to be 'fanned down'.

"That girl is fan down!"

by Fan down March 13, 2017

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

fan him down

The act of waving one's hand near the face of an individual who has recently been declared as red or purple. Useful for restoring said individual to a state of normacy.

"Hey, I heard David Bell is secretly engaged to his girlfriend!"

"Fan him down!"

by Peter McConville April 1, 2005

28πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

System of a Down Fan

It's Simple...a System of a Down Fan likes System of a Down. Liking the music doesn't make them a fag, although i will agree that a few fools will make idiots of themselves by not respecting the opinions of others and degrading any other music.

System of a Down Fan #1: I like SOAD, they have meaningful lyrics.
SOAD disliker: Meh, they're not my favorite.
SOAD Fan #1: Alright, it's you're opinion.
SOAD Fan #2: u idiot douchebag!!!SOAD ownz all.

If you can't guess, the 2nd fan is the fag.

by T-Bag Tyler August 30, 2007

301πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

System of a Down fan

A lot of people are saying that we're all stupid and believe anything the band says ("Wake up! Grab a brush and put on a little make up! Hide the scars to fade away the shake up! Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable!") BUT! A true SOADfan:

-Uses proper spelling/grammar.
-Is open-minded to other people and their music.
-MIGHT call a person an "ignorant, mainstream music shithead" only if the person says something along the lines of, "System of a Down? I hate them. They're nothing but pointless screaming." ← That is ammo for arsenal.
-Fairly up-to-date on current politics/world affairs/news.
-Can have a debate, not an argument.
-Possibly registered on the site SOADfans.com.
-Does not shove ideas and beliefs down others throats.

All others who claim to be fans but don't abide by these qualifiers are probably just posing assholes who want to seem smart. Don't get the two confused.

Person: So what else do you listen to?
SOADfan: System of a Down.
Person: Ew, I hate them!
SOADfan: Why?
Person: They just scream about shit!
System of a Down fan: Right. Because singing about genocide and getting no recognition of said genocide is shit. Gotcha.
Person: Oh...that's what they were screaming about?
SOADfan: I'll leave you to do some homework ;)

by Dika July 16, 2008

185πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

system of a down fan

a person who has never heard real music before. if you dislike system of a down, the fan would say you are 1. "too stupid to understand the lyrics" 2. "a mainstream simple plan-loving shithead." (all the while not realizing system of a down IS mainstream music)

system of a down fans love to bitch about how horrible america is. bitch, bitch, bitch. system of a down is pretty much just an emo band for people who are into politics, or who just hate america in general. (and this is coming from a liberal)

by a genius January 28, 2006

250πŸ‘ 513πŸ‘Ž

System of a Down Fan

An idiot who is a notch above Journey fans on the intellectual totem pole. He’ll believe anything the band will say is incredibly deep and insightful, even if the lyrics contain "Wake up/Grab a brush and put on a little make up/You wanted to!"

If you suspect a friend of yours is a System of a Down fan, here are some warning signs to help you determine if they need help.

-Bad Grammar
-Poor spelling
-Belief that their opinions are the only ones that matter
-Will threaten the life of anyone who doesn't believe SOAD is the best band EVAR
-Unable to create a compelling argument as to WHY they consider System of a Down good (Argument will contain the words "fag", "hell", or "deep, man."

Your average System of a Down Fan: "SOAD RULE!! who every tinks otherwise should be sent to hell and stay there for eternity because of their crimes against nature because system of a down rule."

by FuriousAngle October 14, 2005

228πŸ‘ 473πŸ‘Ž

system of a down fan

Idiots who think hust because a song is trying to make a political point it sounds good. Generaly instigated by a lack of an educated taste in music, or inspired by peers and therefore sanctified as "cool".System of a down is repetative meaningless bullshit. Often the fans dont care about the political points and like the screaming and emo-like crap.

1.James liked system of a down, so that made Chris like system of a down, which made Ross like System of a down. He's a system of a down fan

2Ross likes SOAD, but that doesnt count coz hes a stupid oaf.

by anonymous1923 August 31, 2006

124πŸ‘ 338πŸ‘Ž