A person so consumed by a celebrity or team that he or she has created a lifestyle around his or her infatuation. This person may close down a business during all team sports events, spend money recklessly to see their celebrity or team, and/or ruin relationships over their devotion to said fan-addiction. Examples include impersonators, imitators, priests and superfans.
William Nicoles is such an Alabama fanaddict he painted his house to look like a huge elephant and then spray painted his lawn maroon. Roll Tide!
Someone that is so insanely fanatical about something that they can't even go a couple hours without bringing their obsession up or referencing it. (sometimes said individual is extremely deluded and mistakes their fantasy for reality)
student1: Can you believe Zach in gym today?
student2: He's such a fanaddict that he went into total
Hunger Games mode during dodge ball.
student1: Yeah, and then he was mumbling something
about being back in District 12.
Student2: All of his essays are on the Hunger
Games. Even his Junior Thesis. He's gonna
have to repeat English.