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Farwell is similar to farewell except it is used in situations where you are already gone and saying bye from a distance. It's saying to everyone fuck this place I'm out. Some may think it is a simple typo or mispronounciation but it is an intentional last Fuck You.

Farwell all, I'm out.

by Theone Andonly December 3, 2017

42👍 10👎


A last name, often pronounced as "farewell" or "fallwell".

Often stoners or alcoholics, they have big hearts, good looks, short tempers, dark hair and blue eyes, and are extremely down to earth.

"She's gotta be a Farwell. Look at those eyes!"

by DallasTanya June 25, 2008

15👍 16👎

J.D. Farwell

An extremely awesome person. You only wish you were half as cool as he was.

I only wish I was as awesome as J.D. Farwell.

by Captain Linko November 19, 2010

4👍 4👎