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An almost militant, but ultimately false, commitment to an issue that is prominent in the modern world. Fashionsist care deeply for as long as a whole week about an issue considered fashionable.
Fashionism is characterised by a devoted and often misinformed obsession with an issue that has either featured in the tabloid news or has caught the attention of a fellow fashionist.
Famous fashionists include Bonno of U2, Angelina Jolie and Madonna.

See also: Fashionist.

Alex: Have you seen Mark Kitchen's obsession with Global Warming recently?
RJ: For real? Shit, I didn't know he bought into fashionism too!

RJ: Man, Elaine sure does complain about Women's Rights.
Alex: Yeah, it's just fashionism, it has no lasting importance, it'll blow over.

by T3H F4SH1ON1S7S November 19, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fashionism is a government ruled by those with the best sense in fashion. They hold fashion contests instead of elections or a royal family.

Kanye West is running in the 2020 elections for the fashionism party

by Christian Writer September 1, 2018

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


one who is passionate about fashion, and keeps themselves 'hip on the scene' by continually updating their wardrobe to stay in step with the everchanging fashion world. these individuals are also able to comprise a hot outfit if given the right tools, no help required.

peter is a fashionate man

in the fashion industry, one can find several fashionate folk, but it is a sad time when the fashion whores, people who skimp off of others passion for fashion, are confused with being a fashionate individual.

fashion whores shop at a&f, hollister, and ae, but only by the outfits pre-done on the displays, and where them only in the way they first saw them. they are not fashionate.

why you be so dang fashionate?!

by zammie March 13, 2006

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a sense of style that changes from decade to decade, century to century. each era of fashion can change by very little or drastically.

Clothing from the 17th century is cool, but what the fuck was a thinking in the 80s?!

by gunslingergirlvy_c_e August 11, 2005

638๐Ÿ‘ 186๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. one's personality expressed in their clothing, 'fashion personality'
2. one's nationality expressed in their clothing, 'fashion nationality

1. "You have such fashionality! So cute!"

2. Schoolgirls in Hong Kong have a more Asian fashionality.

by Cait D. September 15, 2005

21๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


To have a fascination with someone's fashion sense which does not necessarily mean you like or dislike.

Could also describe a fascination with fascism. Such as the fascination with fascist fashion.

I have a fashionation with her outfit.

What has she got on? I don't know if I like it, but I do have a fashionation with that.

by aclm November 11, 2009


taking your creativity and turning it into clothes

i love fashion

by MetalChick666 November 20, 2010

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