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1. Fear that an item you have purchased is a fake

2. Fear of fake items

1. Megan had a fauxbia that her $60 Chanel purse was too cheap to be real

by superdougio April 14, 2009

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A faux (false) phobia.

Mal: "My dad has a phobia of morris dancing and irish jigs"
Me: "There's no such thing, you douche. That's a fauxbia"

by Philistine August 25, 2007

896πŸ‘ 1011πŸ‘Ž


The term comes from other words that are already established. "Faux" which is defined as fake, imitation, ersatz.

Common slang word β€œBia” which is the "G" rated way of calling a woman/man a bitch.

When putting the two together you are calling someone a "fake bitch." Many times this is used when someone is acting like they are someone/something they are not.

Pronounced: fo'..bee..ah

Kim: Dayum.....did you see the Prada bag that girl was wearing?

Lakisha: Her daddy bought that shit for her fauxbia ass. She has two kids and no man, and she aint even got a job.

Kim: Fo' real?! She is a fauxbia fo' sure!

by Anthony Kranz September 21, 2007

14πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


A poser that tries way too hard

β€œWhy is she such a fauxbias? It’s cringe worth at best. Isn’t she almost 40?”

by Another-Irrelevant August 18, 2022