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Female Groomer

Not real!? Female pedophile.

Idiot "It's not the same! It's not the same when a female groomer fucks a kid!"

Hym "All of the consequences of bad female behavior is mitigated by a society that shelters them. How is it any different? Did Milo not get cancelled for confessing to the gay equivalent of that very thing? I just heard about a story where a 13 year old got molested by his Female teacher and when he turned 18 he found out that he owed child support. How the fuck is 18 years of indentured servitude better than 9 months of mild-severe discomfort + 4-8+ hours of pain? She chose right I guess. That's some consequence free little (or, more likely, not so little) boy dick and some free ass money. He can't give informed consent but who gives a shit because he's a boy and she's a woman. 'The cause for female sex offense is not a monolith' Yeah... Ok. I'm sure there is not a single commonality in ANY of the cases."

by Hym Iam April 24, 2022

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