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fifth street

In Texas Hold'em and Omaha variations of poker, the final faceup card dealt and the last round of betting; in Stud games, the fifth card dealt (the third one dealt faceup).

Bruce Lee: Mo made his inside straight on fifth street!
Jose Contreras: Let's stab him after the game.

by benny b from the bronx February 22, 2005

22👍 9👎

fifth street lawyer

The biggest insult one can offer up to a Washington DC attorney -- especially one with an office on 15th Street.

DC Superior Court is on 5th Street, and cheap lawyers hang around there waiting for court-appointed cases. They are the bottom-feeders in an industry already consisting of scum-suckers.

Don't you ever call me a Fifth Street lawyer again, or I'll sue you!

by England phi beta gamma January 22, 2008

54👍 17👎