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Discipline whose object is to define itself. By extension, a deliberate spelling mistake designed to dismiss the pertinence of such a discipline, usually undergone by people who fancy themselves smartasses.

DERIVATIVE- filosofer, he who practices filosofy.

Looking up the definition of 'dictionary' in the dictionary is kinda like filosofy, except it doesn't have the awesomeness of the ancient gay dialogues.

Nor am I going to listen to the word of a filosofer who tells me that people don't have intents, beliefs, desires, etc!

by Arisnipple February 20, 2006

14👍 9👎


A prime example of how the english language will descend if 'they' (the wizards or whatever) succumb to stupid americanisms such as sulfur, which is obviously sulphur.
another good example is fosforus, a very stupid element

I cant spell real words, so i'll just spell things fonetically, like filosofy and fobia

by sudowudo October 5, 2008

7👍 4👎