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NL: masturberen voor vrouwen

Vera: hey Ayleen, zullen we even een porno aanzetten en samen gaan flappen?

Ayleen: leuk! Misschien heeft Aimée ook wel zin om mee te flappen.

by Flapchick December 29, 2017


When the chickens come home to roost. I.E When the weak hands from Shitcoins in Crypto get shaken out into a stable decentralized ecosystem.

Trader 1: Damn it Bitcoin Cash! Why didn't you moon? The market Cap is sinking!

Trader 2: See, we told you the flappening is happening.

Trader 1: Damn Bitcoin Fork isn't up to par, Ill just stick with BTC/LTC/ETH.

by Patrickftw2 March 9, 2019