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Began when a group of seniors from Magee Secondary in Vancouver, BC would say in the hallways to confuse students and teachers. From that time, its grown into a well known term.

"awwe FOIG"

*a bitch-made looking group of guys pass you*

by Chris A. Wills January 1, 2008

596๐Ÿ‘ 234๐Ÿ‘Ž


A variation of the insult fag.

Mainly used to yell at people from when inside cars to call them fags quickly, and sometimes, confuse them.

*Geoff is riding an electric scooter to school going 32 km/ph*

As you pass by with a group of hooligans in your car going 70 in a school zone, you roll down your windows and yell "foig".


by Nisga October 11, 2006

294๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


Find Out In Game. Plain and simple.

Question: "Hey do undead take more damage from silver weapons?"
Answer: "FOIG!"

by Laini August 3, 2006

107๐Ÿ‘ 280๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used by preteen Asian kids as a substitute for the word "fag" because they are not allowed to swear.

It came about in a text-message because "oi" together kind of look like an "a."

Preteen Asian kid #1: Dude, let's play COD.
Preteen Asian kid #2: I can't, my mom says I have to go skating with my sister.
Preteen Asian kid #1: just ditch her, foig!

by supercoolnothin April 15, 2013

10๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


an "intellectual sport" such as debate, model un, etc, which is competitive, can involve a team, but does not require physical exertion. no one knows how to catagorize marching band, though. even now. pronounced so it rhymes with toy-g (not fwahg)

Bob: Debate is TOTALLY a sport.
Tom: No man, it's a foig.

by foigplayer January 1, 2014

2๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

big foig

term originally coined by youtube sensation, theChengman. exact definition is however unclear. big foig can mean anything from an insult to a term of endearment. just let the meaning come to you when the moment is right and don't hold back. you'll understand - simple as that ya BIG FOIGGG!

guy 1: oh dang, yo pecs are huge! can i touch em??
guy 2: hells nah ya BIG FOIG!

guy 1: yo i love you man
guy 2: give me a hug ya BIG FOIG!

by j.whiz July 16, 2011

287๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big foig

There is no set definition of the word, it can be used in a variety of situations. Its hard to describe you just have to see the word in action and get a feel for how its used. to try to describe it i'd say its used for when something said or done is crazy, stupid, f-ed up ect.๏ปฟ

A acronym which most often stands for Faggot.
Originated from a Vancouver youtuber called TheChengman.

Ex1:When you see that your friend can't dance, you call them " Big Foig!"

Ex2:Person1: I had 2 girls making out with me.
Person2: yeah 2 ugly girls
Person3: You big foig!

by MangoBalls May 29, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž