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fook it

When you don't really feel like doing something but then think to yourself, "why not?"

Joe- "Are we really gonna start a fight tonight at the mall?" Ethan- "Yeah, I've thought of this for a while now" Dillon- "fook it"

by DP1999 September 15, 2017


The alternative word for fucking used by Louis Tomlinson.

"That's your fooking job, you fooking losah!"

by mrshoran1993 February 23, 2019

80πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The real pronounciation of the word "Fuck"

Conor McGregor-"Get the fook outta here! You dooin nootin! You dooin fookin nootin! Not one of ya's is dooin nootin!"

by HushSmush July 21, 2017

245πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A flirt, or someone who is often playful. A fook, or someone who is β€œfooky”, shares many characteristics as a β€œplayer”, but a fook wouldn’t necessarily cheat on someone.

He was such a fook; he gets every girl that he wants.

I don’t have feelings for him, I just have a fooky personality so he thought that I liked him.

by Hope_7 March 10, 2022

61πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


The way Conor McGregor pronounces "fuck".

Jeremy Stephens: "I'm the hardest hitting 145er here. I knock guys out and they don't fucking move."
McGregor: "Who the fook is that guy? Who the fook is that?"

by The Notorious AG September 6, 2017

129πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


A verb used in a Grindr kind conversion that means coitus.

Do you wanna fook-fook tonight?

by MohStark April 11, 2020

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A variation of the word "Fuck", favoured primarily by male First Nations people living in large urban centres in central and western Canada. Often, the word is paired with a limp 'raising of both arms' in a helpless manner, so as to further demonstrate the mild frustration of the speaker.

*The parking spot Jim has found in which he wants to parallel park his pickup truck is too small. After exiting the vehicle and examining the situation* "Fook"

*Eric gets demoted in CoD* "Fook"

*Marty fails his AP Chemistry test* "Fook"

by NantooKK December 27, 2011

521πŸ‘ 131πŸ‘Ž