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Fourth World Country

A place that makes the third world look as though it is more civilized functioning and intelligent than its own location. Term is often used to define the fall of western civilization or its decline.

America is becoming a Fourth World Country as it lags behind the third shading its once great promise.

by go69yourmom July 15, 2019

Fourth World Country

A real world dystopia with a corrupt / extremist authoritarian government, that uses media gaslighting as a disguise.

The U.K. became a fourth world country when it began to strip away human rights en mass (see austerity, eugenics, and imperialism), remorselessly murdering its citizens (see grenfell tower, the war on drugs, “herd immunity”) and proposed trade agreements that severely violate international law (see Brexit).

The U.S. is a fourth world country because children’s ‘back to school’ shopping lists include bullet proof vests (see Sandy hook, school shootings), citizens are regularly murdered by militarised police (see Stonewall, Black Wall Street, BLM, the war on drugs, indigenous peoples).

North Korea is a fourth world country, due to its long term relationship with a dystopian dictatorship. (See North Korea)

(This is not a complete list) More examples include:

- Venezuela (See Venezuela economic crisis)
-Israel (See Palestine)

-China (See “re-education camps”, concentration camps, Uighurs, the drug death penalty, “pod” homes, Winnie the Pooh)
-Saudi Arabia (See civil rights, women’s rights, Jamal Kashoggi, Oil wars)

-Hungary (See Hungarian democracy)

-Brazil (See amazon burning, Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilian prisons)
-Philippines (See Rodrigo Duterte war on drugs)

“I haven’t felt safe since we became a fourth world country.”

“The government does not serve the people.”

by MotherofMangos November 15, 2020