The result of someone, somehow, managing to speak French and Spanish at the same time. Commonly done by adding 'El,' the Spanish equivalent to the, before a french word, such as 'Finition,' which means finish in French.
Similar to Spanglish, with the English replaced by French. Can be called Spench (The S and P at the begining of 'Spanish' added onto to the last four letters of 'French') or Franish (The first two letters of 'French' added onto the last five letters of 'Spanish'). Both indicate the same thing.
"Su maman!" First word is 'your' in Spanish, second is 'mom' in french. Hence Franish, or Spench.
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To be franish, means to be 'hippy-like', to be spontaneous, almost random.
'why hello, you look awfully franish today'
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