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A "bro", usually a complete douchebag in a fraternity such as PIKE, Fiji, and Kappa Sig. Famous for popped collars, sun glasses with strap, upside down visors, and multiple brightly colored polos from Abercrombie. A fratbag's sole purpose in life is to get freshman girls drunk in order to take advantage of them. Afterwards, the fratbag will "high-five" and "fist bump" his "bros" and brag about how much she wanted him.

"Hey Ry-guy! Wanna go ruffie some chicks?"-Chad
"Yeah DAWG! Let's go get us some!"-Ry-guy
"OMG! He is such a fratbag. Lets go get drunk!"-Freshman Girl

by Hokie2011 February 5, 2010

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