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fucking slut

For a person who is deemed sexually promiscuous, Thus being the "ultimate slut".

Driving by a random house and yelling out the car "Fucking Slut!" and then driving away laughing your ass off.

by m_j_s November 23, 2007

53πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Fucking slut

What all boys out there call girls just because they show off like nigga hop off

This fucking slut is so nasty

by Kattbitch September 26, 2018

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

fuck slut

a sexy piece of meat

wow that person is such a fuck slut

by jone May 16, 2003

50πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

fuck slut

a really mean insult, usually directed at younger girls... "skanks" about year 10 or under. can be used to insult anyone

geez Bilson, ur a fuck slut!

by Mcbogans October 17, 2004

28πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

a slutty fuck slut

slutty fuck slut: a whore who has been with loadssss of guys and then goes to a different town, goes out to the bar for a night on the town, picks up an unsuspecting guy and tells him that she is a sweet virgin, so he takes her home to fuck her, and she gives him the best sex of his life (because she is so expiereinced) but also all of her dirrrrrrrrrrrrrttttyyy diseases that she picked up along the way.

tom went out to the bar last night for his bachelor party and picked up this hot ass virgin and took her home and fucked her, and it was sweeeeeeet, but when he woke up this morning with herpes and gonohrea and clymidia and crabs and aids he found out she was really a slutty fuck slut!!!! oh shittt

by c dubz November 26, 2005

94πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Fit as fuck slut

When someone is so fit that they can’t help but get shagged by a numerous amount of people, resulting in them becoming a slut. They usually have big fucking tits and a fat back. An additional fact is that they love a black pipe up their ass, preferably multiple at a time.

Helen is a fit as fuck slut

by Ssewankambo November 14, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

a slutty fuck slut

A girl who likes to fuck loads of guys

I'm a slutty fuck slut

by The Badger November 26, 2003

59πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž