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The ability to generate money for a good cause. Sustainability rhythms with fundability.

Projects that show how fundability works and why it is important will survive the dog eat world.

by BetterResponse October 31, 2017


1) the state of having fundability
2) of such a nature as to attract eager and willing lenders to give you all the money you could possibly want to borrow.
3) being a person (or business) to which lenders will go out of their way to provide plentiful, cheap and easy loans, credit cards or other financing because you have demonstrated you are a professional borrower who will treat their money with deference and respect

Non-Fundable friend:
"Dude, Credit Karma says my credit scores are awesome and I have twelve credit cards but the interest rate on my car loan is outrageous and I can't get a mortgage to save my life".

Fundable friend:
"My Dude! There is a huge difference between having a high credit score and being highly fundable. No one every taught me the difference either. But now I'm in control of my funding approvals and there are far more important factors than your credit score. You should educate yourself at YPS-GFWebClass or bit.ly/YPS-GFBook".

by Reach Exceeding Grasp September 27, 2022