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get new

Phrase used to congratulate someone on their new acquisition.

Oh, you got a new ho - get new!
Nice haircut - get new!

by ladudesup November 6, 2010

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getting new carpet

when your pubic hair starts to grop back after you've shaved it.

Guy 1: "Dude i'm getting new carpet."

Guy 2: "Oh yeah? In what rooms?"

Guy 3: "No, i mean my pubes are growing back."

by ProfessorOak December 31, 2009

11👍 2👎

Getting a New Roach

The recent development of Mob of Whack

He forgot to pay his debts, now Tony's Getting a New Roach.

by Muddafucker March 29, 2022

get a new brain

dissatisfaction with ones' own, or anothers mental performance. -suggestion that in this time of 'transplants', one could procure a new 'mind' somewhere, and make out a bit better!

when i closed the patient up, i left a saw inside; i'm going to have to get a new brain, or lay off the PCP!!

-going to hit a yard sale and get me a new mind!

she needs to get a new brain!!

-this brain won't 'hop' when i bark orders, i need to get a new brain!

by michael foolsley February 6, 2010

3👍 2👎

You think you're getting all new

Getting all new means thinking you are better than someone else

You think you're getting all new just because you think you know it all

by Banter Girl January 26, 2020