The longest story known before the big bang
The Guardian of God and the holy spirit
The guy who left a place to fight gods battles and to come out of he'll to give to God to go back to earth
Gunz of God
Tera roga
The marvel immortals of are world
The playboys and the homies
The unimaginable truth
Hip hop lovers
Yo did rebbeca do the gogleaksmoke in the middle of class
Yo how messed up were you last night
Gogleaksmoke bro all I gotta say
Yo how wet are you right now
Gog leaked me to smoke wet
How happy are
you so goggy
How hot are you
Hotter then leaksmoke coming out of gog
How sick are you with the hand off
Pretty leaky
President do we have any other ideas
Ask gunz of god he will leak it and I will smoke it
Can we fly are aliens real wheres the mafia can I have more than one girlfriend do dogs know what I'm thinking
Idk ask gogleaksmoke
Has a huge Suzuki Ducati calibera
50 call sitting on a dock ready to surprise you
Wings of angels leaking on the public
The don't look but I'm looking at your coffee leaking out of the lid type guy
The guy who would raid a whole Iranian base in .5 seconds with not even a spec of seven left over
The guy who can Babysit cook clean smoke with no hands Workout study play xbox write a song water flowers fold ur laundry reconstruct wall street cover up immigrant migrations settle the score between gender identification while talking to your mother and family members in a group chat while live streaming on Twitch while uncovering a new spacecraft due to hieroglyphics located in a small microscopic fossils that he uses to wet your tacos with for 1000000000 years straight and jamming that feeling in ever microcosm of the day and still have time to smoke a cig and drink coffee in ultra slow motion like your watching Lucy from I love Lucy thinking about when her husband's gunna be home
Gawwkkk meeeeee smokeless
Gawwwwgggg leeeeveee smokeeeee
Gunz of God on leak smoke
Leaakkkyyy smoke
Smoke some more leak
Leak some more gog
Yo the mafia the president the Russians Alkeida is all after me what do I do
Don't tell anyone I said this
They call him gog
Just dial *1111
He automatically shows up idk how
You need artillery anything of that nature dial *1121
He looks about 5,8 he looking like elchapo and Tony montana but dude hese worse he can make a Russian look like a freaking water turtle 🐢
They call him predator
They call him the first God of the universe
They call him the green lucifer
They say he is the grim reaper that took gods place
They say he is alcapone in the flesh
They say that if God wanted to come back to earth as a human being this would be that guy
They say he is the funniest tiniest chillest guy ever but he has a Darkside
Stfu gogleaksmoke is a gentleman and a scholar
Respect this name nothing less nothing more
50 call sitting on a dock ready to then go to bed alone like always to keep things from being to real for his 28 year old membrane 94 babies were not ment to witness a leak smoke or a gog never shall we ever find such a man in any generation one of the best of the best he did not suffer he did not die Justin mr is one of nations purple heart winners he died face flat in all of the secret agents laps he was the man of the hour a comedian a actor a hip hop legend a dancer a snuggler a trick of the trade guy a guy that never stopped but when he did stop the earth slowly reversed its motion and we understood who he really was when he fell asleep he was Alexander the great he was persius he was always the main character
Then miss justice Maci risp holy came in to the world from another planet and dam did that make a nice fucking Niagara falls the feelings of heaven shattered this planet in ways no one will never forget
So don't forget gunz of God funz of God or what ever he started at
Don't forget the kr3w from merrick to Westbury to Babylon to Amityville to sayville don't forget the warriors or the gangs of new york or mafia or anyone who put there hearts blood sweat in tears into defending this United States of America and don't forget the hose we tore up across nations and brought back to help make this planet a wonderful world cheers to the bitches and hoes
Justin rispoli is not gogleaksmoke
Longest story ever. Longer than all biblical stories known to man. Leaky. The Gunz of God. The Tera roga. The guardian of God the one who escaped hell and came back again. God's and the devils powers on pcp Ls all day good luck
Rapper gamer comedian trick of the trade actor playboy guy hugeeeeee pickle Rick
Gogs men
Tera rogaz women
Family of all the good people who done bad things and made there life the best it can be under harsh conditions more to this story if u find the goggy leaky smoke
You have I dea how leaked I was last night
Yo Tommy leaked smoke about his mom doing the dirty
How wet are you
So much I think gog leaked it to smoke
How tired are you
Gog in a leaksmoke balloon
How hot are you
Gogleaksmoke hot
How good of a detective are you
Gunz of God leaking smoke
How good are you with the girls
Gog like clock work
How are you today
How is the fam
Roga tera roga
How is your future
Leaking threw the gogs