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A beautiful place that everyone bookmarks and cherishes on their travel book.

Zack Fair: At least someone's keeping up.
Cloud Strife: Well, i'm a country boy too.
Zack Fair: From where?
Cloud Strife: Nibelheim.
Zack Fair: *laughs until he vomits his lungs*
Cloud Strife: How about you?
Zack Fair: Me? GONGAGA.
Cloud Strife: *also laughs his guts out*
Zack Fair: Hey! What's so funny about that? You know gongaga?
Cloud Strife: No, but it's such a backwater name.
Zack Fair: Ditto Nibelheim (ratio)

by Maxicat0 March 23, 2023


Term that refers to an epic event, such as, the return of Carson.

USER1: Carson likes poo poo?
CARSON: gongaga.

GONGAGA: gongaga.
Me: me? gongaga.

by EvilScript May 6, 2020

1👍 11👎