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good cock

An above average male chicken.

This term has no sexual connotation

"Wow Jerry, that's a good cock you've got there!"

by Cockbutt January 1, 2016

4👍 3👎

Good Cocking

To smash a lady up sexually to the point where both parties are tired and pleasured

I gave that slag a right good cocking, now she is walking like John Wayne


He got a right good cocking on holiday the filthy little sausage jockey

by Chris Lomas August 17, 2006

13👍 2👎

Good Cock, Bad Cock

Roommate plays the good guy role after the 1st roommate had sex with a girl

I take a girl home, have sex with her, she becomes attached, i am rude and unpleasant to her at all times, she is at a low, my roommate comes in and consoles her to then leading her to have sex with him as well. Hence Good Cock, Bad Cock

by ccarter_11 December 7, 2009

35👍 15👎

good ol cock

thats when your giving your ol lady the good ol cock

man i swear i was giving my ol lady the good ol cock last night yes i was

by KenDog615 January 22, 2008

18👍 32👎