When you tought that QPALZMWOSKXNEIDJCBRUFHVTYG was special, so you tried to type it backwards just to find out that some noob already did it, meaning you're worse than a noob!
Me: QPALZMWOSKXNEIDJCBRUFHVTYG ain't special, I can do better.
When you tought QPALZMWOSKXNEIDJCBRUFHVTYG was special and tried to typ it backwards, just to find out some one else did it already
Let me typ QPALZMWOSKXNEIDJCBRUFHVTYG, I bet no one else has done it before.
Internet: We HaVe DoNe ThIs AlReAdY.
Internet: wE hAvE dOnE tHiS aLrEaDy.
The absolute ultimate colossal level of boredom known to people who also already typed qpalzmwoskxneidjcbrufhvtyg, which was the last boredom level until the day this article was created, April the third, 2017. I, the author of this definition, have beaten the system, and created this, so less and less people beat the system, forcing them to be more creative with keyboatd patterns. If you're here, congrats, but try harder. Beat the system. Create a new definition. Do it.
*types gytvhfurbcjdienxksowmzlapq*
*can't believe it exists*
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