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stands for "honest to god knock me out"

a phrase created by Ariana Grande via Twitter when something is overwhelming

Ariana Grande is releasing 3 songs this week
June 13: Dance to This - Troye Sivan (feat. Ariana Grande)
June 14: Bed - Nicki Minaj (feat. Ariana Grande)
June 20: The Light Is Coming - Ariana Grande (feat. Nicki Minaj)

"i cant handle all this, h2gkmo"

by @tattooednegm on twitter June 12, 2018

276👍 11👎


honest to god knock me out

h2gkmo is a term made by ariana grande. she first used it on twitter.

person one: omg dude, did you know ariana's album is coming out on august 17th?
person two: it's going to be amazing. honest to god knock me out ariana !

by getwellsoon August 15, 2018

31👍 6👎


honest to god knock me out

Person 1: hey remember when ur goat sucked his own dick
Person 2: honest to god ...... if anything like that ever happens again knock me out ... h2gkmo

by Pete Grande June 12, 2018

85👍 23👎


Honest To Gucci Keep My Ofsted

meaning to maintain good grades when something crazy is happening

revising for GCSEs is easier than buying concert tickets, h2gkmo

by glissandogrande May 24, 2019

6👍 22👎


H2GKMO is a phrase Ariana Grande stated on Twitter. It stands for Honest 2 God Knock Me Out.

News Reporter: Ariana Grande is releasing three songs this week!

Ariana Grande: H2GKMO I can't handle this!

by Arian.aGrande February 23, 2019

21👍 2👎