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half a loaf

Getting a semi on.

On a bumpy bus ride I got a half a loaf

by Geordielover123 November 17, 2016

4👍 2👎

half a loaf is better than none

Getting less than what one wants, is still better than getting none at all.

Casey: How did work go?
Cooper: Unfortunately they cut me early, so I only get paid for half a day.
Casey: Well, half a loaf is better than none.

by bostoncasey October 1, 2018

half loaf bus

A small truncated school bus or mini bus body on a small truck frame. Usually used to transport mentally challenged/retarded folk wearing hockey like helmets. Usually travels well under the speed limit on major highways. Usually the "special ed bus." Many times, a half loaf bus passengers are drooling out the windows.

Small stunted school bus almost exclusively used in transporting special needs people. Also known as "the short bus." These half loaf busses look like half loaves of bread.

by Zippyjet July 9, 2006

11👍 6👎