having nothing, or close to nothing.
many people in the inner city live hand-to-mouth lives.
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Satisfying only one's immediate needs because of lack of money.
We were nearly broke at that time, and living hand-to-mouth.
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noun: A condition in which one attempts to both say a number and visually represent it with one's fingers, yet the numbers are almost always accidentally unequal.
Samuel said, "Seeya at five," but only held up two fingers because he has hand-mouth dyslexia.
Noun: One who has hand-mouth dyslexia.
Adjective: Being in a state of having hand-mouth dyslexia.
1. Sam can't say a number and hold up the correct number of fingers at the same because he's hand-mouth dyslexic.
2. Sam can't say a number and hold up the correct number of fingers at the same because he's a hand-mouth dyslexic.
An obsequious (suck up) loud mouthed assistant, who serves no observable purpose other than to vociferously agree with and support whatever idea the boss has come up with.
"That Bob is Mister Big's right hand mouth."
Keep in mind this is all in good humor, and I have provided "equal time" for both parties:
Democrats: Condy is the president's right hand mouth.
Republicans: Bill is Hillary's right hand mouth.
TV Version: Dwight ("The Office") is Michael's right hand mouth.
When something seems to be a bit too weird, abnormal, but still quite interesting.
"Wow, Ethan why is there a nigger in the front of the bus?" - "I am not sure. Hmmmmmm *hand on mouth* "
I have a case of hand to mouth disease and am fat.